Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Have you listened to or seen Tony Robbins? The super-coach with an endless amount of energy? He uses an expression called "CANI"- Constant And Never-ending Improvement. The expression comes from the Japanese version "Kaizen", where Kai means change and zen means good.

Tony believes that if you implement CANI (Lessons in Mastery) daily your life will improve on all levels. To think through the different areas of life, like mental and physical health, relationships, economy, work, leisure and so on, and try to constantly improve these areas.

He has a point, it will never be enough to believe that only because I fixed one thing once it'll always remain that way. I have tried in many areas myself.
Example: Lose weight - and when I succeed I start to eat the way I used to and stop working out. Result = not good.
Another example: I learn to put up boundaries and say no when I mean no. It works great as long as I concentrate on the task. As soon as I start to believe that I master it, I'll fall back to where I was before.

So now I tried to implement CANI in my life in my own way. I put a reminder in my phone so that it reminds me once a week, for example CANI-relationships? So that day I need to think about what I can do to develop and improve my relationships to others.

Today I got a message about CANI-economy... I don't really know what I should try to do with my economy. I'd rather have gotten a CANI-health because today I took a one-hour walk, went to the physiotherapist and booked an appointment with a naprapath. But I didn't say Health. It said Economy... Hmmm... I'll have to think about this one.

Anyone feel like accepting a CANI-challenge? Write in the comments in that case. I'm curious! :-)

If you want to order Anthony Robbins' lectures you can find them here: http://www.tonyrobbins.com/
There are usually low prices at Amazon.

What do you want to improve today?

Good luck!

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