Are you not satisfied with your life right now there is a big probability that you dream about a future that is different from the reality you live in today.
Instead of living your life in the moment you spend a lot of time thinking about how you want to live later on. That is when you have to ask yourself: if you don't know how to live in the moment right now, how will you be able to do that when you live in a way you dream about?
Accoring to Pia Mellody the answer is that you need to get closer to where you want to be by getting to know yourself and your needs and start to act. Then you get more energy just for you instead of wasting it on other things or others. You learn to control the only person you can control, yourself. It is only then that you will be able to live, here and now, in the moment.
Pia Mellody writes about this in her book "Facing Love Addiction".
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