When you are young it is easy to make new friends, but something happens when you approach the middle of your life. The family, children and work take over your life and can limit the social interaction and the opportunities to find new friends.
If you feel that you are in that position, and you would want to increase your circle of friends, these are some tips on what to do:
1. Invite a colleague to lunch.
2. Buy two theatre tickets and ask, or email an ask, if anyone wants to go.
3. Join social groups on Facebook or other forums. An example of that is "Walk and talk", where people who don't know each other agree on a place to take a walk and talk to each other.
4. Take a course.
5. Go on a lecture and mingle a bit.
6. Start a new hobby - become a member in a forum, organization and so on, and attend their events.
7. Do something fun and useful at the same time - become a volunteer in an organization that needs your help and enthusiasm.
8. Get a dog. Go to dog-parks and meet all the other dog owners, take dog courses and so on.
9. Have you lost friends that you like? Look on Facebook, they might be there. Maybe you want to meet up again?
10. Do you have relatives and family members that you don't get to see as often as you want to? Do something about it!
In order to find new friends you need to be courageous, put yourself out there and endure some "no"'s. Because the reward when you get a "yes" is much bigger!