Thursday, March 27, 2014

Must, should, will = Motivation-stoppers

Do you feel like you often must, should and will? Like this:
I should clean…
I must do the dishes…
I will cook now…

With all too many shoulds and musts there is a risk that we feel burdened and that life is only filled with requirements and duties. So we can comfort ourselves with the thought that there is only one thing we actually must do: We all must die.
Until then, it is up to our choices.

One way to motivate yourself to these musts and shoulds is to change the words. Try! If you instead say: I really want it to look nice and clean around me! (instead of "I should clean") Doesn't it feel a little more motivating?

So what you do is to exchange the words must, should and will to something more motivating, like "I want to, I feel like, I look forward to…"
Then you think about what result you want to achieve, what is the prize for doing this?

I --- must --- study.
I --- want --- to get good grades.

I --- should --- do the laundry.
I --- want --- to have clean clothes.

I --- have to --- save $100 each month.
I --- feel like --- going on a vacation next month.

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