Someting that can hinder us is our fears. When we don't take care of our fears and let time go by we get insecure and sometimes that becomes very negative for us. That's why we might get involved in things we really don't want to do, something we actually want to change, but don't dare to.
Do you have fears that stop you fom making a change that you know will bring many positive things?
Here's a tip on what you can do: write down all your fears and list them on a paper. Then you go through them one by one and ask yourself "Is this fear real? Is this really a danger?". If it is not, you can cross it out. If it is a real fear, think about what you need to do to change it or come to terms with it. What are you really afraid of? What is the probability that what you are afraid of really is going to happen? IF, as a worst case scenario, it would happen, how would you handle that? Beside the fear you write down a plan to handle it if it would come true. Maybe you also need to do some research when writing the plan.
Example: Fears
What if I can't make ends meet economically? - Get in contact with an economic counselor so they can help you. Find extra work to do on weekends.
What if he starts to drink more? - That is nothing I can decide. Only he can make the decision to drink less or drink more. If this happens - then I'll make it clear that I don't want to be around him when he's under the influence and I'll do something else with my time instead.
Please tell me in the comments! I get so happy when there's an email or comment from one of my readers, then I know that you are out there and that motivates me to write more :-)
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