I'm glad to see that the self-help manual have been helpful to so many!
The "Self-Help Manual For Relatives of Substance Abusers" focuses on helping relatives to substance abusers to free themselves from a destructive relationship. Through the support of this manual, the hope is for the reader to come closer to the goals and dreams that they have. The book provides the perspectives of the relative's situation, and contains self-help exercises for the reader. It is for those who want to start a gradual process to a larger well-being.
The "Self-Help Manual For Relatives of Substance Abusers" focuses on helping relatives to substance abusers to free themselves from a destructive relationship. Through the support of this manual, the hope is for the reader to come closer to the goals and dreams that they have. The book provides the perspectives of the relative's situation, and contains self-help exercises for the reader. It is for those who want to start a gradual process to a larger well-being.
Below are some statements from people who have read the Self-Help Manual, and in which way it helped them:

"I have made a huge progress. My distress over my mothers substance abuse is all in all gone."
"It has helped me understand more about my substance abusing relative, but also about my self and my own needs ."
"I'm not dwelling on things that have been as much anymore, the things I did wrong, what I could have done differently and so on."
"I got a new picture of what I can change and what is my responsibility, and what isn’t. It has also changed the way I communicate with my relative with alcohol problems"
"I let go of control to make myself happier."
"Before I always got a bad conscience after speaking up for my self, but now I can tell the person how I feel without feeling any guilt. Instead I feel proud."
"I learnt to realize that it isn't my fault that my relative is an addict."
"The practices that I have done during the time I was working with the self-help manual had made me dare to say “no more” and start focusing on my own needs."
Please send me a message and and tell med how it was helpful to you!
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