Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Said about the self-help manual

These are some things that people have told me about how the self-help manual has helped them:
  • Working on the questions in the material has strengthened me and gave me the courage to bring up sensitive topics.
  • The exercises in this manual have made me understand some things about my own behavior, and about my relative who is a substance addict. It has made me think differently.
  • The self-help manual helped me to let go of some of my control and as a result my relationship to my husband is much better. 
  • The manual is comforting and something that I can go back to and read whenever I want.
  • The practices that I have done during the time I was working with the self-help manual had made me dare to say “no more” and start focusing on my own needs.
  • The self-help manual feels like a trusted friend that I can come back to if I need to.
  • I got a new picture of what I can change and what is my responsibility, and what isn’t. It has also changed the way I communicate with my relative with alcohol problems.
  • Now I feel stronger and I’m able to speak up more without getting a bad conscience afterwards.

Read more about the self-help manual here: http://www.amazon.com/Self-Help-Manual-Relatives-Substance-Abusers-ebook/dp/B00AC7RQEE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395223861&sr=8-1&keywords=Carina+Bang

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