Monday, April 14, 2014

Want to - Be able to - Ready!

What does it really take for a person to make a change in their life? In big and small things?

The conversational method Motivational Interviewing (MI) says that in order to accomplish making a change you need to:
1. Believe that the change is important and has a greater value for you (greater than the current situation).
2. Have faith in your own ability to manage carrying through with the change.
3. Be prepared to start acting to achieve the change.

So think about this: Do you have anything in your life that you would like to change? Or with your relative in mind, and the change you hope they will make. How important is this change - from the perspective of your relative? (not other's perspective) And if the person really wants to make a change, how much faith does he or she have in succeeding? The risk is that we may believe that a certain change is very important, but if we are sure we'll fail we're not going to dare to try anyway.
And lastly, if both of you believe that this change is important, and you se the gains from carrying through with the change and you have faith in your ability to succeed. What are you then willing to put at stake to go through with the change? Are you ready to perhaps change old habits, using new patterns of thought, do things differently in different situations from how you did before? Are you ready to turn away from certain things in order to prioritize the change.

And when it comes to you, how do you reason regarding a change you want to make?
- How important is it to you?
- How big faith do you have in succeeding? (If your faith is low, what do you need to do to strengthen your trust in yourself? What can contribute? What can help with that?)
- And lastly, what are you willing to do to succeed?

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