Sunday, September 28, 2014

What defines a healthy relationship?

In his book Jaget och Missbrukaren (transl. Me and the abuser), Craig Nakken talks about some of the basic foundation of a healthy relationship;
  • To act respectfully towards the other person
  • To feel supported by one another
  • To be accepted for who you are, and not who the other person wants you to be. 
You must treat the other person respectfully, and together you must create a feeling of security and trust. There must be mutual respect, both in words and in action, for a relationship to work.
The way I see it, these basic foundations may easily topple in relationships that includes people with alcohol- or drug abuse.

Here are some questions you may take your time to think about:

- How do you define a healthy relationship?
- What can you do to improve your relationship? What part do you play and how do you contribute? (This includes both positive and negative contribution).
- What do you seek in your relationship? 


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