"My dad was the boss in the house. He didn't let me do anything. When my dad was home during the weekends he drank. Then he became drunk. The next day he was hangover, and then he was angry about everything. He was pretty mean".
(Interview with a young child taken from the book Barn som upplever våld. Pappas våld mot
mamma - barns förståelse och komplexa offerskap. Gothia Förlag 2007 (transl. "Children who experience violence. The father's violence against the mother - children's understanding and complex victimhood.").
"The best thing for a child is to live at home" - Is this really true?
Science have shown that it all depends on the situation. If there's violence in the home, the child may experience relief by not being a part of it. When interviewing children scientist have found out that the most important aspect of the life of a child is to feel safe.
Children who live with violence in their home may become traumatized. A trauma is an incident that is so frightening that it creates physiological and mental harm. The child hasn't chosen to live in their home, but they still have to be responsible for it and adapt to it. Many children whom seen violence in their home also show signs of emotional problems such as anxiety, depression and aggressiveness. they may also develop antisocial behaviors, in comparison to other children.
If you live in a violent family, seek help! You doesn't have to be alone!
Om du lever i en familj där det förekommer våld, så sök hjälp! Du behöver inte stå ensam i detta!
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