Thursday, May 14, 2015

Emotional dependence

Do you feel as if your own well being is highly connected to your loved ones well being? 

Does your mood change when his/her mood changes? 

If he/she is happy a particular day, are you happy then as well? 

And if he/she feel anxious or depressed a particular day, do you feel anxious and  depressed as well? 

If you don't know how he/she feels a particular day, are you then unsure of your own feelings?

If you answered yes to these questions, you're not alone, and you're not going crazy. Adapting and being influenced by your loved ones shifting emotions is a common trait to relative to a person suffering from addiction, and it might make you feel exhausted and confused. Go to a quiet space, lay down, close your eyes. Try and feel what it feels like. What does your body feel like? Your surrounding? What do YOU feel? 

"Happiness is nowhere to be found, if I can't find it in myself"

Edvard Grieg

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