Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Turn Your Negatives into Positives!

You are a relative of someone who has substance abuse issues. As a responsible individual, you are likely to possess many wonderful qualities that have helped you cope thus far. Though things may not be going well or as planned, you can take all these negatives and feel empowered to turn them into positives.

Positive strengths you may possess include:
  1. A great deal of insight
  2. Faithfulness
  3. Loyalty
  4. Endurance
  5. A thick skin 
  6. Helpful
  7. Selflessness
  8. Confidence in others
  9. Wanting to see people develop to their full potential
  10. Write more strengths that you have…!
Ask yourself these questions:
  • How can we target these forces within ourselves for the better?
  • Where should they be channeled?
  • How can I use these characteristics in such a way that they lead to positive development, both for myself and others?

In other words,
How Will You Use Your Positive Strengths?

Turn all of your negatives into positives and watch your life begin to transform. Even though you may be faced with negative circumstance, a positive attitude will inspire other around you. You may be the example that an addict may need to be inspired by.

By setting up goals for yourself, you can work at one positive attitude to perfect each day or you can look at it from a weekly perspective. The amount of time you spend on yourself will not only enhance your quality of life, but will also help others around you. From there, you can feel empowered and feel great about your accomplishments instead of being pulled through the muck and mire of those who have not gotten their lives together. Be you. Be positive!

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