Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stress management

Many of the problems relatives are experiencing physically and psychologically, is a result of prolonged stress. Relatives often live under constant stress and fear, sometimes for many years. It naturally has consequences, on both your physical and psychical wellbeing.

Therefore I'll give you some tips on stress management: 
 * Exercise mindfulness! The method is based on meditiation techniques and psychological knowledge of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Research has shown good results for people with depression and stress. 

* Physical activity! Also physical activity has shown good results for people who are experiencing stress and are depressed. A little physical activity is better than nothing! 15 minutes every day is a good first step.

* Go out and enjoy nature! Nature has a calming effect. Smell and appearance of trees, flowers, water ... 

* Sleep! Make sure you sleep! You need recovery and a peaceful sleep. Switch off your phone at night and have the same routine every night. This makes it easier to fall asleep. If you experience very restless sleep, difficulty sleeping or wake up in the small hours at 03:00, then it may be time to talk about your problem to a doctor. 

* Laugh! Treat yourself to humor and joy in everyday life. Watch a comedy, go for fun theater or stand-up comedy, or spend time with a friend you can laugh along with. 

* Say no! Recognize your limitations and that you need time to take care of yourself. Prioritize yourself!

You are No. 1! Take care of yourself!

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