To as a relative to a person with substance abuse problems yourself develop negative behaviours is actually perfectly natural, in an unnatural situation.
These behaviors do probably, during a given period, work as survival insticts, especially if you for instance as a child grew up with substance abusing parents. But in the long run, and in your relation to other people, coping strategies can be negative and destructive.
I myself believe that a certain type of negative behaviors can be explained as "my concern for another human being transferred to control over an adult person, to the point that it affects my own well-being and my helath". You develop these behaviors in certain circumstances in relation to another person.
Coping can briefly be described as behaviors individuals develop in a stressful circumstance that at the time being helps the person deal with what is painful. The strategy helps you find stability in a chaotic situation. These approaches can in the long run be negative instead of helpful. Like minimizing or reducing the problems to cope with them easier. That can result in you not giving the problem the attention it requires. It may in time become very negative and it is worth investing in yourself to break any such pattern.
Take care of yourself!
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