Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What are your intentions?

As I have said in earlier posts, humans act upon wishes to achieve something, or avoid something.

We have intentions with the things we do, or don't do. All the things we do, from making a cup of tea with the intention of getting warmer and maybe relax with the help of the tea, to the intentions of our communication and our relations.

What are your intentions? Why do you do what you are doing right now? (reading a blog about being relative to an addict).
What are your intentions with the relations to different people in your life?
What are your intentions when you get our of bed in the morning?
What are your intentions regarding your body and health?
What are your intentions regarding your family?
What are your intentions regarding your work/career?

And do you achieve what you want with your intentions? Or are you on your way? Have you found a strategy that works for you? In that case, what do you do to succeed? And if you don't, what do you need to do differently?


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