Sunday, August 17, 2014

What happens when the addict gets sober?

Many relatives have taken on too big responsibilities for another adult. They take care of, protect and help the other person. It has become a big role in life for the relative that also leads to the relative feeling needed and important.

But what happens if the alcoholic gets sober? Many relatives experience emptiness at that stage. All the time they put on taking care of the alcoholic isn't replaced with something else. The now sober alcoholic take care of themselves and their own responsibilities. That means that the relative as a care-taker isn't needed anymore. This often leads to the relative feeling unimportant, unloved and that feeling of emptiness and pointlessness.

To work with your own behaviors means to work with personal development. Taking care of yourself, you own life and wellbeing. To strengthen you self-esteem. To realize that you can be loved without being needed. And that being needed isn't the same thing as being loved.

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