One of the number
one concerns of parents is whether their children will use, or are using,
drugs. What if there were something you could do to help prevent drug abuse?
There are good news; research shows that parents play an important role in preventing their children from using drugs. There are different parenting skills that you can use to prevent both initiation and progression of drug use.
There are good news; research shows that parents play an important role in preventing their children from using drugs. There are different parenting skills that you can use to prevent both initiation and progression of drug use.
1. Communication
Communication skills
help parents stay on top of what is happening in their children’s lives as well
as detect problems early on. You want to stay away from blaming, accusing or
angry outbursts. It’s a good idea to make a plan to deal with the situation within
24 hours, rather than attempt to have a conversation while you’re angry.
2. Encouragement
2. Encouragement
This is truly
integral in order to build confidence, reduce conflict and promote cooperation.
Comparing children to their siblings, taking over when progress is too slow or
reminding children of their past failures should in all cases be avoided.
3. Negotiation
3. Negotiation
Negotiation encourages
problem solving and cooperation. It allows children to learn about focusing on
finding solutions, thinking through possible consequences of their behavior and
creating communication skills.
4. Setting Limits
4. Setting Limits
Limits are important
because they provide guidelines and teach children how important it is to
follow rules. Limits teach children about self-control, responsibility and safe
5. Supervision
5. Supervision
Supervision is integral
for effective parenting because it helps parents with spotting problems and staying
involved. It promotes safety, however, it’s not always feasible to have your
children within your sight. When your kids are away from the home, look at
their schedule, call them, have them check in, surprise them with random calls
or visits and stay in contact with other adults who interact with them.
6. Knowing Your Child’s Friends
6. Knowing Your Child’s Friends
uncertainty of the children´s self-image, how they “fit in” and the need to
please and impress their friends can leave them vulnerable to peer pressure.
It’s important to stay in communication with their friends and parents, observe
who they hang out with, discuss sex and drugs (so they’re not getting the info
from unreliable sources) and talk to them when a concern comes up.
It’s important to be someone that your child can come to with their triumphs,
problems and concerns. Be their sounding board, cheerleader and number one
defender and advocate. There are going to be stumbles and falls along the way,
but remember that we’re striving for them to have happy, healthy, and
productive lives and that all experience—good and bad—teaches us important life
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